MINI-BYTE: The Price is Right

COME ON DOWN! You’re the next contestant on the PRICE IS RIIIGGGHHHT! This weeks mini-byte is everyones favorite sick day TV show. From the humble beginnings to the elaborate suits of Rod Roddy, the pretty ladies and the fixed pets. There’s one thing that...

Speed (1994)

POP QUIZ HOT SHOT! You’ve got an all-star cast in a ridiculous scenario with enough pyrotechnics to level a city block. What do you do? Well you dissect it in all of its obnoxious glory. Keep your hands and feet inside at all times, and what ever you do...

The Wedding Singer (1998)

Everyone out on the floor! No Exceptions! We’re taking this party into the night! Let’s keep it fun and keep in the mid-eighties, with Adam Sandler’s 1998 instant classic The Wedding Singer. So roll up your sport jacket sleeves, and take off that...

MINI-BYTE: Legends of the Hidden Temple

The first of many Mini-Bytes! We take our own temple run through Legends of the Hidden Temple. Where most fail we will prevail and secure the coveted trip to Busch Gardens and some Nickelodeon ankle breakers AKA Moon Shoes! Take up your colorful signet and join our...